MEDAC - Mediterranean Advisory CouncilMEDAC - Mediterranean Advisory Council

MEDAC - Mediterranean Advisory Council

Avis et Lettres



Avis et lettres


MEDAC contribution- Stakeholder consultation revision Control Regulation

DG MARE thank you letter- MEDAC opinion on the management of coastal stocks- Focus on the main endangered inshore species in the Mediterranean Sea

MEDAC opinion on the management of coastal stocks- Focus on the main endangered inshore species in the Mediterranean Sea

MEDAC opinion MAP Western Mediterranean demersal stocks

MEDAC working document MAP demersal species in the West Med

DG MARE reply-Second MEDAC position on the Regulation proposal on Technical Measures COM(2016)134

EC Reply- MEDAC letter to Machado role of the MEDAC

Letter to Director General Joao Aguiar Machado- role of the MEDAC

EC Reply- MEDAC opinion on the socioeconomic situation of the fisheries in the Mediterranean Sea

MEDAC Opinion on the socioeconomic situation of the fisheries sector in the Mediterranean Sea

EC Reply-LDAC MAC MEDAC joint opinion on IUU regulation

Joint LDAC-MAC-MEDAC Opinion on IUU Regulation

STECF reply: MEDAC letter-request of the organization of ad hoc meetings with Scientific Institutes

MEDAC letter-request of the organization of ad hoc meetings with Scientific Institutes

Joint MAC-MEDAC opinion Delegated Act functioning ACs

DG MARE letter of thanks-Ministerial Conference, Malta-follow up

MEDAC letter on the draft delegated act-EMFF

DG MARE reply-MEDAC letter on extra funding

MEDAC letter extra funding translation and interpretation

MEDAC reply-Applications for membership-approval by the MS

DG MARE letter on the applications for membership-approval by the MS

Deuxième avis du MEDAC sur la proposition de Reglmenet sur les mésures techniques COM(2016)134

Réponse du MEDAC à la lettre du Président du groupe PESCAMED

Lettre du Président du groupe PESCAMED Jose Miguel Corvinos Lafuente

Avis du MEDAC sur la proposition de Reglmenet sur les mésures techniques COM(2016)134



Siège Social

MEDAC - Roma

c/o MASAF - Ministero dell'agricoltura, della sovranità alimentare e delle foreste

Via XX Settembre, 20
00187 Roma - RM

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