The WGVME-EFH formulated the conclusions and recommendations for guidelines to develop scientific monitoring programmes in GFCM FRAs according to their main conservation objective (i.e. conservation of VMEs or EFH); identified the need to include in the new GFCM database on national fisheries restrictions as much information as possible at the national level for GFCM contracting parties and cooperating non-contracting parties (CPCs); recommended to continue compiling and showcasing information on the distribution of VME indicators in the GFCM database on sensitive benthic habitats and species, especially in non-European Union countries; suggested to organize an ad hoc session of the WGVME‑EFH on Isidella elongata to propose an integrated action towards delineating priority areas for the protection of this species; updated the roadmap to guide the work needed to analyse the overlap between VMEs and the deep-water red shrimp fishery; and highlighted the benefits of analysing potential habitat (or habitat suitability) for protecting vulnerable species and EFH.
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